Chemicals are everywhere. They’re unavoidable. It’s often a mystery how to detox your dog. Worse yet, our poor dogs are getting pummelled with loads of them. The kibble they eat is often full of synthetic junk and mystery meat. Additionally, our lawns are steeped in chemicals, our dogs are often over-vaccinated, and many of them are bombarded with flea and tick control year round. Of course, we all want to stay happy, healthy, and enjoy living our best lives. That goes for our Best Friends too!
Now that flea and tick season is upon us, an FDA warning is making the rounds in the news again. This warning regards neurological issues stemming from popular flea and tick medications like Seresto and Bravecto.
I am NOT encouraging you to cease use of flea control products. However, chemicals are everywhere. Here are some simple ways to help detox your dog after exposure to such products during the summer months.
How to Detox Your Dog
Control What You Can to Decrease Exposure
There are many things that are in your control! To begin, here are things that you can fix right now and cut down on the chemicals your dog is exposed to!
- Feed a fresh, species appropriate diet.
- Watch for over vaccination; educate yourself on titer testing and vaccines your pet actually needs!
- Use natural flea and tick control.
- Find green, environmental friendly solutions for your lawn.
- Utilize natural cleaning products in your home.
- Keep your pet at a healthy weight, and exercise her regularly
Of course, we can’t avoid the chemicals that are all around us all the time. However, there are some ways to help your dog’s body detox after that flea and tick treatment or during the months when she has more exposure to chemicals outdoors.
Natural Ways to Detox Your Dog’s Liver
Cleanse that Liver! The liver is the body’s detoxification superstar! To avoid liver disease, keep that liver running smoothly. Following are some ways to support your dog’s liver function.
Feed Milk Thistle For a Liver Boost
Milk Thistle is an herb that helps your dog’s liver process toxins and stimulates regeneration of liver cells. To begin, add Milk Thistle to your dog’s food if she’s been exposed to extra toxins (like around flea control time of the year, if you use pesticide flea control). According to Dogs Naturally Magazine, Milk Thistle can be used for short periods of 3-6 weeks, but not all the time.
Most health food stores carry quality organic Milk Thistle. Note, it’s a good idea to purchase high-quality supplements, as many are made from questionable ingredients with questionable manufacturing practices. Finally, consult with your vet regarding appropriate dosing.
Feed Liver to Boost the Liver
Dogs love liver! Supplementing mealtime with fresh liver will win your Best Friend’s heart. Trust me, your dog will adore any liver you feed her; beef, chicken, turkey, lamb, goat or duck. Additionally, liver can be lightly cooked or added raw at mealtime. Liver is a vitamin rich food. As a result, it should make up no more than 10% of your dog’s diet.
Support Your Dog’s Kidneys for Natural Detoxification
When your dog’s kidneys are running smoothly, her body is better equipped to filter those chemicals out. There are several ways to support the kidneys:
Provide Ample Fresh Water
When I need a good old fashioned detox, it’s straight to the water. A LOT of water. But, what about our dogs? They don’t just guzzle water unless they’re incredibly thirsty.
Make sure water you offer your dog is either spring or filtered water. Unfortunately, water straight from the tap is a no-no. Tap water contains heavy metals, with city waters often adding flouride and chlorine. As a result, these increase your dog’s chemical load.
Alternatively, if your dog eats a diet of kibble, use warm water to hydrate the food. Kibble is dehydrating to a dog’s body, and water will be recruited from the kidneys, liver, and other organs to digest it. Adding water to kibble helps aid in healthy hydration and digestion.
Share Some Parsley With Your Dog
To begin, parsley is easy to find, works as a gentle diuretic, and keeps the kidneys healthy. As a bonus, it eases arthritis symptoms too. Parsley also helps eliminate urinary tract infections, kidney stones and supports liver, bladder, and prostate health. Plus, it’s very safe for dogs to consume. To use, sprinkle fresh or dried parsley on your dog’s food, or make your dog some parsley tea! Of course, a little goes a long way. Just a sprinkle will do!
Parsley Tea: To make parsley tea, mince a tablespoon of fresh parsley. Next, add 8 ounces of boiling water. Finally, let it cool and strain the parsley. Offer the tea to your dog several times a day or pour over her food.
Dandelion Greens; a Nutritional Powerhouse

Dandelion Greens for Kidney Health: Dandelion leaves are packed with nutrition for your dogs! Additionally, they’re a natural diuretic and help kidney function. Bonus, if you don’t spray chemicals in your yard, you probably have a prolific supply!
Lately, I’m using dandelion greens from my yard in some of my raw dog food recipes. Of course, if dandelion greens are not in your yard, you can find them at many grocery stores. To prepare, lightly steam or sautee in olive oil. Or, you could make tea. Serve a small amount with your dog’s meals. Reminder; kibble and food additions should make up no more than 10% of your dog’s diet. Also, when adding new fresh foods, it’s best to start small.
Dandelion Green Tea: Use 5-30 grams of dried dandelion greens in 8 oz. of boiling water. Steep for 5-10 minutes. Finally, let cool and strain it before serving to your dog. Use 1/3 cup for every 20 pounds of body weight. Moreover, share dandelion tea with your dog up to 3 times a day, either to hydrate meals or by itself if she will drink it.
Also note, if your dog is on prescription diuretics consult with your veterinarian before adding natural diuretics. Additionally, holistic veterinarians are wonderful resources regarding many natural remedies and detoxification protocols.
The wonderful thing about our dogs is they’re incredibly resilient. Your pet’s body, when kept in vital health is amazingly capable of healing and detoxing itself, with your help. Feed your dog a fresh, species appropriate diet, keep her at a healthy weight, and don’t be afraid to try some small new additions to her bowl. What’s your dog’s favorite natural supplement or your favorite natural pet product?
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