How to Avoid this Sneaky Chemical Lurking in Your Dog’s Food

Sneaky Chemical Lurking in Your Dog's Food
Glysophate is an herbicide and the active ingredient in Roundup.

Glysophate. Roundup. It’s everywhere, and seemingly getting worse. You even have to watch out for this sneaky chemical lurking in your dog’s food. Glysophate-based herbicides are the most widely used weed killers on the planet.

In an article by the Journal of American Water Resources Association, glysophate was in 86% of rainwater samples, 71% of ditches and drains, and 63% of soils sampled. Avoid this sneaky chemical lurking in your dog’s food!

Our pets’ food is rife with glysophate. What’s more, a pet food study found glysophate in 18 of 18 tested pet foods! In addition, that same study showed that our pets were 4-12 times more likely to have a higher exposure rate than humans through food. Grossed out yet? This sneaky chemical is lurking everywhere.

Disease Connections?

The more we hear about Roundup in the news, the more scientists are establishing connections with diseases. For example, some cancers are connected to glysophate exposure. The World Health Organization did classify glysophate as probably carcinogenic to humans in 2015.

Lymphoma was once considered rare. Sadly, rates are rising in humans, dogs, and cats. In all, lymphoma accounts for 20% of dog cancers. It’s the most prevalent type of cancer in cats. Also, non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma is the most common cancer in humans; 1 out of every 7 cases. Consequently, many cancers do have genetic connections, but this rapid increase may be attributed to environmental factors.

A 2012 study found that cancer risks rose a staggering 70% in pets who were exposed to lawns treated with lawn care pesticides. My neighbor liberally treats his yard each summer. Personally, I will always wonder if Franklin’s cancer had any connection.

Adding on, lymphoma rates increased in beef cattle fed commercial crops in the early 2000s. Coincidentally, this was about the same time they started eating genetically modified, glypohsate-resistant crops. One could say I’m a little obsessed with glysophate these days.

Glyphosate exposure is also linked to the following diseases:

  • Obesity
  • Brain disorders like ADHD, Parkinson’s Disease, Alzheimers, and depression
  • Infertility
  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease
  • Heart Disease

Changes coming?

There are currently over 40,000 active lawsuits against the maker of Roundup (Monsanto, now Bayer) for exposures. Already, 3 of those lawsuits have produced over $2.42 billion in jury verdicts. Further, most European countries have banned glysophate. Moreover, many US cities such as Portland, Austin, Miami, and Los Angeles county have all banned or restricted use of Roundup.

While change is afoot, it doesn’t alter the fact that farm industry in the United States is heavily reliant on this stuff. Quite frankly, the more we can take action, the more these companies will feel it where it hurts-in their bottom lines.

Here are some ways to get the Roundup out of your life:

  • Don’t use it ANYWHERE near your home and pets! There are other options to keeping a green, healthy lawn.
  • Switch to organic produce.
  • If not organic, then use locally grown produce. Often, small farms use less harmful products that wash off. Roundup does not wash away. It’s IN the food.
  • Detox your dog (remember, they run around on this stuff in bare “paws”, which they lick).
  • Consider switching to organic or pasture raised meat. If cost is an issue, consider cutting meat consumption back. Hey, it’s better for the planet and does your body good too!
  • Educate yourself! Here is a list of crops commonly treated with Roundup.

How Do I Protect My Pets?

Our pets don’t have a choice in what they eat. Of course, they are happily at our whim and mercy when it comes to mealtime. We owe it to them to feed a nutritious, balanced, healthy diet. Further, we must educate ourselves! Learn how to read the back of a pet food label and learn which ingredients are wholesome, versus the more nefarious ingredients.

Here is a list of glysophate containing pet foods from the above study. Seriously, avoid these ones at all costs. As for nefarious ingredients to avoid, check the list below. Check your pet food label and avoid this sneaky chemical lurking in your dog’s food! Only feed your dog the below if they are organic. Really, corn and wheat really don’t belong in a healthy dog diet in the first place. Avoid those.

  • Corn
  • Wheat
  • Soybeans (organic are OK)
  • Alfalfa
  • Sugar Beets (again, organic are OK)
  • Canola (once again, organic is OK and has some good bioavailable omega fatty acids)

If your dog eats a commercially produced diet, consider switching to organic. Yes, it’s likely more expensive. Think of it this way; your dog isn’t getting exposed to toxic, possibly cancer-causing ingredients. While you spend more on food, you’ll likely spend far less on future vet bills. Honestly, its a win-win!

We Owe it to Ourselves and Our Pets to be Savvy Consumers!

dog in black collar with ball in teeth
Photo by Blue Bird on

The more I’ve researched diets for my dogs, the more I’ve learned about the harmful foods humans ingest too! Most of our cereals and grains are treated with Roundup. Furthermore, almond crops are heavily treated with glysophate. I love my almonds and even munched some while writing this post!

Do you enjoy sweet potatoes or apples? Treated with glysophate! Celery is a most toxic offender! Unless you’re sticking to a mostly organic diet, there’s a very good chance you’re eating glyphosate. Quite frankly, we all have it in our bodies. There doesn’t seem to be any way around that! However, there are ways to avoid this sneaky chemical! Make sure you know where your food came from, and avoid this stuff at all costs!

Do you actively avoid foods grown with glysophate? Are you just learning about it? How about your pet? Are you ready to make the switch to a more nutritious, wholesome diet for your Best Friend? Feel free to contact me for some easy to implement tips and tricks and food hacks for your canine BFFs!

  1. Thomas, Pat. (2020). Our Pets and Other Animals at Risk from Glysophate. GMO Science.

2. Zhao, Jiang, et al. “Detection of Glyphosate Residues in Companion Animal Feeds.” Environmental Pollution, Elsevier, 3 Sept. 2018,

3. Takashima-Uebelhoer BB et al. Household chemical exposures and the risk of canine malignant lymphoma, a model for human non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Accessed at

4. Dixon, Emily. “Common Weed Killer Glyphosate Increases Cancer Risk by 41%, Study Says.” CNN, Cable News Network, 15 Feb. 2019,

5. Blanco, Dee. “The Hidden Dog Food Ingredient That Can Harm Your Dog.” Dogs Naturally, 18 May 2021,

6. Diets for Cavalier King Charles Spaniels,

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