The Countless Benefits of Turmeric for Your Dog

benefits of turmeric for your dog
Four Assorted Spices On Wooden Spoons
Image Credit: Marta Branco;

I am constantly looking for different super-foods and supplements to add to my dogs’ meals. Actually, I always look for things to add to MY food to help MY body perform and feel better. I personally prefer to not ingest pharmaceuticals to deal with miniscule aches and pains. Honestly, I swear my pain increases when I don’t take my turmeric. In fact, there are countless benefits of Turmeric for your dog too!

Long before the pharmaceutical industry began capitalizing on our pain, ancient people used plants, herbs, and spices as remedies. In particular, turmeric is one of those spices. Often considered a superfood, turmeric has many uses. With its powerful anti-inflammatory properties and other health benefits, there are countless benefits of turmeric for your dog!

Science Behind Turmeric

Turmeric’s biggest claim to fame is its anti-inflammatory properties. Inflammation isn’t always bad. Accordingly, it is the body’s way of helping heal itself. Unfortunately, the problem is chronic inflammation. Chronic inflammation can wreak havoc on your dog’s digestive system and lead to food allergies and diseases.

Turmeric is a rhizome, or root, that comes from a plant in the ginger family. First, turmeric is bolied and dried, then ground into a spicy powder. Traditionally, turmeric was used to treat inflammation and stain clothing a pretty yellow color. Keep this in mind when you work with fresh turmeric. You will stain your hands!

Circumen; Superfood Compound in Turmeric

Circumen, a chemical compound, gives turmeric its superfood status. Specifically, that’s what stains your hands and creates turmeric’s vivid yellow color.

While it is a superfood, circumin is not well-absorbed by the body. As a result, one would have to ingest obscene amounts of turmeric to see any benefit. However, it is absorbed better when combined with a healthy fat (like coconut or MCT oil) and black pepper (piperine, an active ingredient in black pepper helps increase absorption of circumen). Enter the magic, cure-all, super canine food addition: Golden Paste.

Golden Paste Recipe for Humans and Dogs

This recipe is from Dog’s Naturally Magazine

  • 1/2 Cup Turmeric Powder (organic if you can)
  • 1-1 1/2 Cups filtered water
  • 1 1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
  • 1/4 Cup MCT oil or coconut oil (there is conflicting information on how beneficial coconut oil is for dogs. MCT oil is a healthier choice)
  1. Mix the turmeric and 1 cup of water in a pan.
  2. Stir on low/medium heat for 7-10 minutes. It will begin to form a thick paste. Add more water if the paste gets too thick. Too thin, add more turmeric. It should look like melty peanut butter.
  3. When the past has thickened, add the MCT oil and pepper.
  4. Next, cool the mixture.
  5. Finally, store in the jar in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks.

Full disclosure: This recipe makes A LOT! Store 1/2 in the freezer or cut the recipe in half until you know if your dog (or you!) will like it!

Benefits of Turmeric for Your Dog

There are so many benefits of turmeric for your dog! Here are a few notable ones:

  • May reduce joint and arthritis pain: Chronic inflammation is a root cause of arthritis and joint pain. Naturally, circumin’s anti-inflammatory properties may alleviate those pains.
  • Natural cancer treatment: According to this article from The Mayo Clinic, circumen will inhibit the growth of cancer cells AND target and kill them as well! This is no small feat, and deserves further research. If your Best Friend is facing cancer, the benefits of adding turmeric to his diet are countless!
  • Improves healthy hearts: Circumen is a blood thinner, or anticoagulant. Therefore, adding it to your pet’s diet can naturally decrease blood clots in the heart. Note: If your dog is scheduled for surgery, discontinue use of turmeric prior to the surgery.
  • May improve digestive health: Many dogs suffer from Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD). As a result, the walls of the digestive tract are inflammed. Moreover, this inflammation makes nutrient absorption difficult. It can lead to vomiting, diarrhea, and loss of appetite. Fortunately, circumen’s anti-inflammatory properties may combat IBD inflammation and increase digestive health.

Feeding Golden Paste to Your Dog

Start small! To begin, add 1/4 teaspoon of golden paste to your dog’s meals. If your dog is picky, mix it with some kefir, plain yogurt, or goat’s milk. Work your way up to 1/4 to 1/8 teaspoon for every 10 pounds of body weight each day. It can be split between 2 meals.

  • Small Dogs (up to 20 pounds): 1/4 teaspoon per day
  • Medium Dogs: (20-50 pounds): 1 teaspoon per day
  • Large Dogs: (50-100 pounds): 2 teaspoons per day
  • Giant Breeds: (>100 pounds): 3 teaspoons per day

There are so many benefits of turmeric for your dog, and for humans too! While I personally take a turmeric supplement each day, I am learning about more ways to incorporate fresh turmeric into my diet too! Try making some Golden Paste for your dog. I’d love to know what your Best Friend thinks!

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  1. Pingback: 10 Superpowered Herbs For Dogs | Best Friends Kitchen

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